Fall 2020 Newsletter


Dear Friends,

For some time now I have been wanting to communicate with all of you about happenings in my artistic life. The current environment, being as how we cannot gather in person these days, as adverse and difficult as this has been, it has also inspired me to finally follow through on conceiving and delivering this newsletter.

This is a format where I plan to share on an occasional basis the projects that whirl around in my head and then somehow make it out onto paper, or into a microphone, or flash by in an image; works from past and present; as well as speaking to the movements happening around us; and highlighting the artistic contributions of others that inspire me...

Feel free to remove yourself from this list at any time...

If it doesn't please you to receive these emails then it doesn't please me. And if I have you here in error I do apologize.

 in this issue:

  • New website

  • Remembering my time with the Gamelan Pacifica ensemble

  • An inspirational work by Sheila Davies Sumner

  • BLM


My dear friend of many years, Cheryl Richards has made me a brand-new website and I do think it shines. I enjoy so much working with her. She is talented in many ways — as a designer, photographer, singer, and more. 


gamelan pacifica

When I was studying Composition at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, I had the opportunity to play in the Gamelan Pacifica ensemble. It has now been many years and I have studied other musical genres and traditions since that time, yet when I listen to the ensemble’s recordings, I am still struck by the beauty and vibrancy of that music, and I am reminded of how compelling and invigorating it was for me as a young composer/performer to be able to play with this group.

I enjoyed numerous opportunities to perform professionally with them. Towards the end of that time, we toured a large collaborative piece entitled Visible Religion, in which I was honored to sing and perform alongside my voice teacher, Thomassa Eckert.

In addition, I was invited to write for the ensemble and present a work for dance and gamelan ensemble. Erin Mitchell was the Choreographer and my original gamelan composition was performed by the group at Cornish.

Unfortunately, I don't have recordings of these things as it was so long ago, but Gamelan Pacifica still exists and you can listen to them here

My time with the group coincides with the era of their Trance Gong CD and I knew those pieces well.

Gratitude to Gamelan Pacifica director — and my Composition teacher at Cornish — Jarrad Powell — for all that those experiences gave me as a budding Composer.



A radio drama by Sheila Davies Sumner

A number of years ago I heard this piece on the Other Minds show on KALW and it stopped me in my tracks. It is a beautiful interweaving of poetry in a variety of spoken and sung voices with environmental sounds. It has an intimate feel that transports me to a place I find to be strangely juicy and enjoyable in its uniqueness.

Listen here.


They still do! More than ever as Black lives continue to be needlessly taken. This is a pivotal moment in our history as basic rights must again be demanded, that have never been fully-granted for so many in this country. It is about time! Let's all contribute to the change we wish to see. There are many opportunities to help, one being to support black-owned businesses.

Here are a few links:

Apps and directories to help you find and support Black-owned businesses

A list of featured Black-owned shops on Etsy

Merlin Coleman